Leading Automotive Equipment Dealer Since 1987
This combination package includes the Atlas® TC289 rim-clamp swing arm tire changer & the Atlas® WB41 computerized spin balancer. This combination is perfect for farms, homeowners, and all sizes of shops looking to change and balance tires. Both machines are 110volt operated, both are CE approved, and both carry the Atlas® 1 year parts only warranty.
The Atlas® TC 289 wheel clamp tire changer is the perfect wheel clamp tire changer for most general automotive service departments and medium sized tire stores. This tire changer is perfect for changing the tires on large SUV and one ton trucks. The Atlas® TC289 can be fitted with the LH assist arm, RH asist arm, or Atlas® DAA arm assembly.
The Atlas® wheel clamp tire changers are designed to change the tires on both high priced alloy wheels and steel wheels without damaging the rim or the tire. The powerful ADUSTABLE bead breaker located on the side of the tire changer is designed to break even the most stubborn and rusted beads without damage to the rim. The turntable jaws (which can be covered with the standard protective plastic inserts) hold the rim securely without damaging the surface of the rim. These jaws can be moved to three different positions along the slides of the turntable to either increase or decrease the clamping range of the Atlas® TC289 wheel clamp tire changer.
The Atlas® TC 289 wheel clamp tire changer comes standard with the powerful bead blast system and inflator hose adapter and pressure gauge.
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The Atlas® WB-41 is very a simple, yet sophisticated wheel balancer. Each electrical component part is virtually " plug and play " so repair is easy when it is time to replace parts. The Atlas® WB-41 is capable of self-diagnosing problems and displays error codes so the operator can make the necessary adjustments or repairs in his own shop. There is no need to wait for the high priced service technician to visit your store. The simplicity of the Atlas® WB-41, both in ease of use and ease of repair, make this balancer the perfect choice for your professional tire shop.
The Atlas® WB-41 wheel balancer balances wheels that weigh up to 130 LB. Many balancers claim that they have 150 lb wheel capacity. There is a BIG difference between the shaft being able to support a 150 lb wheel assembly and the balancer being able to accurately balance the 150 lb. wheel assembly.