Leading Automotive Equipment Dealer Since 1987
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The GP-7LC is an incredibly powerful, 7,000-lb. capacity two-post lift that reaches a max lifting height of 68". Never before has a garage with ceilings as low as 10' been able to fit a lift of this caliber. There are some portable options on the market, but only the GrandPrix offers the superior safety standards of a full-rise lift in a slim, low-ceiling build. Home wrenchers have long lamented the lack of a lifting option for their garages, so they wind up settling for less premium options or low-rise options, or else they make sacrifices in the capabilities and safety features of their lift.
GrandPrix's GP-7LC truly upends everything you thought you knew about automotive repair. It lets the average Joe or Jane work on a full-rise lift from the comfort of home. This machine fits in most home garages and comes along with the best warranty in the industry. If you've been looking at car lifts and holding off because of space, this might just be the lift for you've been looking for.
To View More Info on the BendPak GrandPrix™ GP-7LC Click Here
BendPak’s exclusive turf kit offers a durable, safe and reliable system for virtually every turf lifting application. Powerful and secure, the turf equipment maintenance lift kit greatly increases speed and maintenance repair work on all popular sizes of turf maintenance equipment, from large fairway mowers to greens mowers, utility carts, sand groomers, fertilizer sprayers, golf and refreshment carts. Fully adjustable wheel pan and fork assemblies fit a wide array of wheel arrangements.
This turf kit provides open access to the gear box, blades, reels and other essential components, and it all means greater shop efficiency. Easily switch between the turf kit and a standard swing arm assembly to convert your two-post turf lift back into a regular two-post car lift.
The XPR-Series turf kit is a reflection of BendPak’s commitment to producing versatile equipment of the highest quality, maximum safety and utmost reliability. Featuring the most advanced engineered technology available in the industry, these turf kits are built to safety standards well above normal OSHA/ALI/ETL requirements. Just like our car lifts, it includes a wealth of features to support the operator's need for performance and security. Our XPR-series is the undisputable industry benchmark that others are sure to copy but never replicate.
Whatever your golf course or grounds maintenance/grooming vehicle requirements, this one turf kit is designed to meet your needs. Even before you start looking at other options, you'll be impressed with our long list of standard features and capabilities that are packed into every two-post lift to which our turf kit adapts.