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MotorVac 400-0020 MV3 CarbonClean Fuel System Cleaner 12 x 8oz Bottles - MVC-400-0020
MotorVac 400-0020 MV3 CarbonClean Fuel System Cleaner 12 x 8oz Bottles - MVC-400-0020 - Image 1 of 0
MotorVac 400-0020 MV3 CarbonClean Fuel System Cleaner 12 x 8oz Bottles - MVC-400-0020 - Image 2 of 0
MotorVac 400-0020 MV3 CarbonClean Fuel System Cleaner 12 x 8oz Bottles - MVC-400-0020 - Image 1 of 0
MotorVac 400-0020 MV3 CarbonClean Fuel System Cleaner 12 x 8oz Bottles - MVC-400-0020 - Image 2 of 0
MotorVac 400-0020 MV3 CarbonClean Fuel System Cleaner 12 x 8oz Bottles - MVC-400-0020 - Image 1 of 0
MotorVac 400-0020 MV3 CarbonClean Fuel System Cleaner 12 x 8oz Bottles - MVC-400-0020 - Image 2 of 0

MotorVac MV3 CarbonClean Fuel System Cleaner - 12pk

List Price: $200.16
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Product Code: MVC-400-0020-02
MotorVac MV3 CarbonClean Fuel System Detergent 12 x 8oz (236ml) Bottles
MotorVac CarbonClean Detergents
MotorVac CarbonClean detergents will loosen and dissolve the resin, gum and varnish that build up throughout an engine’s entire fuel system.
MotorVac cleaning process starts from the air intake, all the way through to the exhaust system.
CarbonClean detergents use a proprietary formula that combines various elements to form a strong-yet-safe cleaner.
MotorVac detergents do not contain methanol, isopropanol, hexanol, butanol or ethanol, all known to be corrosive in fuel.
CarbonClean detergents will not damage the engine components and can be used with confidence.

Why Clean the Fuel System and Combustion Chamber?

  • Fuel injectors, intake valves and combustion chambers are adversely affected by the build up of un-burnt fuel and contaminants
  • These can affect the drivability and fuel economy of your customer’s vehicle

How MotorVac Solutions Work
CarbonClean MV3 detergent gently “steam cleans” internal engine components, eliminating soft carbon and other contaminants that harm engines and impede performance

  • Effectively cleans the fuel system and eliminates the build up of carbon in the combustion chamber
  • Contains no harmful alcohols such as methanol and hexanol which are known to damage seals
  • Non-Hazardous
  • Non-Flammable
  • Non-Carcinogenic


  • Improves Fuel Economy
  • Reduces Emissions
  • Enhances Acceleration and Engine Performance

Case Includes

  • 12 x 8oz (236ml) Bottles

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